
Edgar Allen Poets

Nowadays, we are bombarded with meaningless songs with shiny wrappers but little content. Fortunately, there are artists like Fish And Scale who still manage to give ancestral emotions with his songs. I’ve been following Fish And Scale’s artistic path for a while now and I must say that every time he manages to surprise me.The depth of his interpretation is touching. His compositional skills make me think of artists like Neil Young and Bob Dylan. The depth of the words and their meaning still echoes in my head.

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Indie Dock Music Blog – London UK

It’s nice to listen to music if the author is musical and his musicality is felt in the smallest details. Listening to the new single ‚Unmask Myself‘ by German singer-songwriter Roland Walzlein who named his project Fish And Scale, we feel a living stream of wildlife and the energy of human feelings.

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Before We Go Blog – Portland USA

With his outstanding musical potential, his open-hearted, amiable way of inspiring people and a lot of contagious soulfulness Fish And Scale is now well on the way to making it big internationally.

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Sounds & Books – Germany

Das mit Sanftmut und Inbrunst vorgetragene, auf Piano und akustische Gitarre basierende „Unmask Myself“ wird sicherlich weitere und nicht nur namhafte Fans anlocken. Zu überzeugend und nachhallend die Performance von Roland Wälzlein.

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Roland verfügt über eine fantastische, ausdrucksstarke Stimme, die ich sofort ins Herz geschlossen habe. Und er singt eine respektable Mischung aus Country, Folk und vor allem Blues, die sehr amerikanisch klingt. Kein Wunder also, dass er in den USA auf offene Ohren stößt.

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Less Than 1000 Followers – UK

Have you ever noticed that people you talk to act kind of limited or even fake? Or perhaps you’ve noticed yourself acting like that and feeling a bit bad from it, but you fear to let go of this facade?
There’s an exciting new single out, a soaring folk tune that will make that facade start peeling off. It’s a wonderful soul-driven addition to your playlists and a much-needed helping hand for those that seek to revive the connection with they true selves!

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The Other Side Reviews 

German artist Roland Wälzlein takes on existentialist truths in his soul-stirring music.

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INVOLVO – Germany

Die Songs erzählen von der Suche nach Wahrheit, von Sehnsucht, Zerissenheit, falschen Entscheidungen, Umkehr und Ankommen. 

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Izzy Magazine – France


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